Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Turning Point -Tip of the Week!!!!

Personal Branding….Build and Widen your Wallet-it’s okay to be rich!

I had the pleasure of having Dr. Lois Frankel on the AWE Factor show a few weeks ago for a dynamic and inspirational talk on taking control of your personal brand in the world.  

Did you know it’s okay to be RICH?  The decision is yours to make.   RICH means different things to different people so let’s add to what we may want in life: Abundance, Prosperity, and Financial Freedom as a frame for “RICH”.

Once you create a choice about what it is YOU want in life, you can then— and only then— begin to create the outcome. This takes us out of the “wishing”, “wondering” or “hope” state and puts us in a place of awareness and action.

 Dr. Lois Frankel shares her W.A.L.L.E.T. principles and I’m adding my take-a-ways from the call.

WWrite down what you want people to say about you in 25 words or less.
You decide the messaging you want people to hear and repeat when they think of you.  But do you know what they are saying?  It is time to get feedback to shape and implement what it is you want others to know and say about you!

AApply actionable and observable behaviors!
Act on the Vision statement you create for yourself and for others to “see”. (If the video camera can’t see it, it won’t be captured…you have to let people know what you want them to “see”.) This should include action words that people resonate and feel when you say them!

LLook to the edge.  Don’t make your brand too safe!
There are rules, boundaries and strategies.  And there are too many people who play in the middle where it is safe.  Playing to the edge gets you noticed and results that others want to model.  Set the example, blaze the trail.  You will get noticed and rewarded.

LLet others know about it!  
We often believe that our hard work and efforts get noticed and people can “see” what we are doing. They can’t and it is up to us to share what we want them to know!  This step alone is a game changer to getting more of what you want in life.   There is a great book: "Brag- How to toot your horn without blowing it" by Peggy Klaus it’s worth reading.
E – Elicit 360 feedback -it's a mini focus group!
This is a great tool to assess what others “see” in you.  What you are doing well, what you could be doing more of— AND what people don’t even recognize what you believe you are representing out there.  It is often times difficult to have the mirror put up for us, yet it is the turning point to shape YOUR choices.  This could be handled formally (several tools available) or informally asking those who know you well and you trust to be honest on what they see.  Need more information here? Let me know.

T – Treat others with Abundance!
When we come from a place of abundance we operate at a different vibration.  There is more than enough for everyone—believing it and acting as if you become it!  I heard a great quote the other day:” Position yourself as the center of influence, the one who knows the Movers and Shakers, people who respond to you, you’ll soon become what you projectBob Burg.   A scarcity mindset delivers exactly what you think about and cuts off access to amazing opportunities.

Want to hear more go to my website: and listen to Episode # 4