Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tip of the Week!!
The Power of Positive Thinking and How It Can Shape Your Life!
Written by Carole M. Sacino

The past few weeks have been amazing and in reflection on why this keeps happening I discovered the core theme that emerges in my life:  It is the Power of Positive Thinking!

The Power of Positive Thinking changes everything!  Because everything that happens in our life starts with a thought followed by a feeling and of course the next step is action.  (Even doing nothing is an action of choice)

You can go to any book store or to Amazon and find hundreds of books and theories on the power of “positive thinking” and a great summary was created by Susan Polis Schultz- a great American Poet and producer of greeting cards for the past many years who says it best!  And I added a few of my own in the parenthesis.

She shares that Positive Thinkers have Twelve Qualities in Common!

•They have the confidence in themselves (and when you don’t reframe your thinking)
•They have a very strong sense of purpose (trust your intuition-it moves you forward )
•They never have excuses for NOT doing something (for the most part ;-))
•They always try their hardest for perfection (being the best they can be)
•They never consider the idea of failing (challenges create opportunities)
•They work extremely hard toward their goals (intention, attention, actions)
•They know who they are (through self-discovery,self-reflection,self-adjustment )
•They understand their weaknesses as well as their strong points (being human)
•They can accept and benefit from criticism ( feedback is the mirror to see yourself)
•They know when to defend what they are doing (conviction is everything)
•They are creative (always look for new and innovative ways to be grow,expand)
•They are not afraid to be a little different in finding innovative solutions that will enable them to achieve their dreams. (unique and one of a kind)

Make the switch to positive
Even Positive Thinkers have their moments of doubt. I know I do yet at the core of who I am there is always an opportunity to switch at a moment’s notice to think differently.

I have had the privilege this week of connecting with several incredible thought leaders who live in “Positivity” and believe, share and demonstrate the power of being in this place.   And I thought this was a great time to share it with you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tip of the Week!  Words make all the difference!
Written by Carole Sacino, Turning Point Institute

What we say matters!  How we say it matters!  The WORDS we use matters!  It can change your life where it matters!

The more I am out there connecting with people through my seminars, workshops or talks, the more I can sense the need to create more awareness around the power of the words we use and HOW we use them has a major impact on the results we get.

There is a study out there (Mehrabian) that states that effective communications is 55% body language, 38% tonality, 7% words.  This is important and well used data points for effective communications although research has shown that this data is based on a very small sample and used to measure just feelings and attitude of the speaker.   Now that is very important too but not at the expense of the power of the WORD(s) we choose to use in creating our thoughts.  Words have meaning and energy that affect how people feel, what you are saying, and how they are ultimately going to relate to the conversation or message.  

I do believe with the way we communicate today via text, email, twitter, status updates and non-verbal modalities are WORDS move from 7% to 38% and tonality moves to 7% while body language remains the same since it still comes through the words we use on line. (Take a minute to observe your body language when you are crafting your message…this does come through on how you are feeling, the words you choose and what it is saying).

Most of what we say is not well thought out in advance especially the thoughts that pop into our head or the immediate response to something we know (we are operating at the unconscious level 95% of the time) so we go with it.  Much of what we think about is “limiting” and creates low energy or negative outcomes that get in our way of desired outcomes.

Let’s look at a few examples of limited thoughts:

I can’t find time on the schedule for myself. I don’t have the ability to get it done. I know I won’t get that raise. It won’t happen. These are all negative outcomes!  You can stop them by simply changing your internal self-talk and bring positive things into your life by reframing your statements to:

I AM …is the statement of who you are (I am competent and skilled)
I CAN…is the statement of your potential (I can make time on my schedule for me, it’s important to me)
I WILL …is the statement of the positive change in your life (I will get this raise, I deserve it)
I AM …. Are the two most powerful words you can use.  I AM affirms positive action taken already.
AND (is another power word to use) It’s not or, if, but—it’s AND I— validates forward movement and positive energy

I AM living an abundantly full life and enjoying it! 

Take Charge of Your Thoughts!

For those of you who know me relate to my constant focus and personal reminder on “what we think about comes about and my favorite saying “what you focus on grows bigger."  Whether it's positive or negative it will arrive and it takes the same energy and effort to think…so why not choose the positive word that creates the positive thought for a positive outcome.

Exercise for the week:  Become mindful of what you are thinking about and how you can reframe it in a positive way. If you say something that doesn’t feel good, pause, reflect and reframe it. It only just takes a moment to make the shift and it’s these moments that matter in how our life is created. A positive shift can change and have a huge impact in simply starting your day, conversing with a friend or taking the first step in making a life change. YOU are in charge of it and YOU can start right now changing the outcome at a moment’s notice.

Example:  Way too many emails and deadlines and I don’t have the time to add anything else to my plate.  Can’t they see I am overwhelmed and overworked now!  I don’t want to do this anymore!  I won’t keep staying late after today…that’s it!  I want to run away!

Reframe:  Oh great, another batch of emails that are just going to have to be prioritized if they are to get done.  I will take a few minutes and schedule the must get done items first and get to the others when I can.  I am grateful to have a job and I am going to make changes so that it works better for me.

Starting tomorrow, I am making the commitment to leave work at a decent hour and start adding the important things back into my schedule.  I am feeling better already!

For additional resources go to:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Difference between Mentor and Sponsor and why it Matters!

Over the past several weeks I have had the opportunity to interview some of the leading thought leaders on Leadership, Professional Presence, Professional Branding and the Power of Sponsorships that matter.

It is relevant, timely and needed especially for the Women leaders wanting to advance forward in their career and business.   Let’s break it down:

A mentor is a valuable resource and role model offering advice and counsel, provides perspective and constructive critic as support for you.

A sponsor takes it to the next level and is willing to advocate on your behalf with respect to advancement and strategic opportunities.   Sponsorship means that someone at a higher enough level believes in you, has an influential trust and is willing to commit to helping you advance your role.

As you move through the leadership pipeline, it is critical to align yourself with a sponsor who not only is in a position of power to help influence your advancement but is willing to be your advocate where it matters.

Without a sponsorship, both men and women are likely to be overlooked for promotions regardless of competence or promotion.  This is key-particularly in upper management and above where the competition for promotion is greater.

Recent research indicates that men are more naturally sponsored by senior executives and that high potential women are over-mentored and under-sponsored relative to their male counterparts and a clear indication on why they are not advancing (there are other issues here that will be covered in the Tip of the Week.)

While women are known for their ability to build and nurture relationships, they fail to cultivate and invest in relational capital at the executive levels.   Here are a few tips to turn this around:

Hard work doesn’t get you promoted!  It's Who You Know—Who Knows You— and What You Do for a Living is how to attract a sponsor.

Cultivate a rich and diverse network! That includes both men and women executives.  Its building relationships with key decision makers that will ensure you get the training, development and connections that move you forward in your career.

Be prepared to be sponsored!  You need to know what you want in terms of your career.  Create a list of the things you enjoy most, the talents that are natural, the stretch goals that offer risk-taking and learning something new —and all aligned with the career goals you have short and long term.

Consider potential sponsors! They might be in your network already or need to be added. Sponsors should be connected at the senior level, influential in the ranks and an Ambassador for you.

 I had a mentor that became my sponsor and although the role was modified it also provided a tremendous growth opportunity for me to expand my influence and impact in the organization at the executive level.

Proactively engage and develop these relationships!   Once identified, build a strategic plan on how to cultivate and build the relationship. (Remember it doesn’t happen overnight).   They need to get to know you, your career aspirations, and your unique value proposition. You need to provide them with the insight, knowledge and information needed to feel prepared to sponsor you.  After all, they are putting their reputation on the line and the more we prepare them for what we want them to think, feel and act on the better win-win outcome.

Ask for what you want! Tory Johnson, CEO of Women For Hire, shared great insight on this topic: “[Women] still have this idea that if we just do a good job, someone’s going to tap us on the shoulder and reward us with a promotion. That so rarely happens! It’s up to you and you alone to put together a plan and then rally the right people to sponsor you.”

I have found that people especially executives are willing to help when you are clear, articulate and direct with what you need.  No one can read your mind, see what you do and even imagine the “what if” possibilities.  You have to tell, ask and support them with the information.

In June, Joanna Barsh from McKinsey & Co will share the latest findings from the joint research project with the Wall Street Journal and how to keep people in the pipeline…sponsorship is a critical component.


To hear more - download past episodes of The AWE Factor show at

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Turning Point -Tip of the Week!!!!

Personal Branding….Build and Widen your Wallet-it’s okay to be rich!

I had the pleasure of having Dr. Lois Frankel on the AWE Factor show a few weeks ago for a dynamic and inspirational talk on taking control of your personal brand in the world.  

Did you know it’s okay to be RICH?  The decision is yours to make.   RICH means different things to different people so let’s add to what we may want in life: Abundance, Prosperity, and Financial Freedom as a frame for “RICH”.

Once you create a choice about what it is YOU want in life, you can then— and only then— begin to create the outcome. This takes us out of the “wishing”, “wondering” or “hope” state and puts us in a place of awareness and action.

 Dr. Lois Frankel shares her W.A.L.L.E.T. principles and I’m adding my take-a-ways from the call.

WWrite down what you want people to say about you in 25 words or less.
You decide the messaging you want people to hear and repeat when they think of you.  But do you know what they are saying?  It is time to get feedback to shape and implement what it is you want others to know and say about you!

AApply actionable and observable behaviors!
Act on the Vision statement you create for yourself and for others to “see”. (If the video camera can’t see it, it won’t be captured…you have to let people know what you want them to “see”.) This should include action words that people resonate and feel when you say them!

LLook to the edge.  Don’t make your brand too safe!
There are rules, boundaries and strategies.  And there are too many people who play in the middle where it is safe.  Playing to the edge gets you noticed and results that others want to model.  Set the example, blaze the trail.  You will get noticed and rewarded.

LLet others know about it!  
We often believe that our hard work and efforts get noticed and people can “see” what we are doing. They can’t and it is up to us to share what we want them to know!  This step alone is a game changer to getting more of what you want in life.   There is a great book: "Brag- How to toot your horn without blowing it" by Peggy Klaus it’s worth reading.
E – Elicit 360 feedback -it's a mini focus group!
This is a great tool to assess what others “see” in you.  What you are doing well, what you could be doing more of— AND what people don’t even recognize what you believe you are representing out there.  It is often times difficult to have the mirror put up for us, yet it is the turning point to shape YOUR choices.  This could be handled formally (several tools available) or informally asking those who know you well and you trust to be honest on what they see.  Need more information here? Let me know.

T – Treat others with Abundance!
When we come from a place of abundance we operate at a different vibration.  There is more than enough for everyone—believing it and acting as if you become it!  I heard a great quote the other day:” Position yourself as the center of influence, the one who knows the Movers and Shakers, people who respond to you, you’ll soon become what you projectBob Burg.   A scarcity mindset delivers exactly what you think about and cuts off access to amazing opportunities.

Want to hear more go to my website: and listen to Episode # 4

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Turning Point – Tip of the Week

Beyond Networking: Building Your Personal Entourage for Professional Success!

You know the subject of “Networking” is near and dear to my heart and I have learned over the past many years not only to embrace this but LOVE doing it. Why you ask?

For me it is all about connections, relationships, collaboration and ultimately to actively follow my passion of helping others get access to the desired life they choose.  This comes in many flavors and under several labels all of which I have an affinity too.

Today it’s about creating your “circle of influence” in a different and more effective and meaningful way.  I had the privilege and delight to spend time with Leslie Grossman this week on the AWE Factor show to learn more about her proven strategies to make this happen and to participate in an engaging dialog about what networking is and how to expand beyond it!

Self-discovery:   This is really taking a look at who you really are, what you are passionate about and how you vision yourself in the world whether it be work or in your life.  Finding your authentic voice and sharing it with others.  We all have a personal brand and it is up to us to create it, live it and share it.

Connections:  Making REAL connections with people that you are interested in knowing and who are interested in knowing you.  This is all about building trusting relationships and about helping each other expand and grow.  Creating a “circle of influence” that you can be your Authentic self no matter what is going on.  This takes time and desire to cultivate these meaningful connections.  Have you thought about who is in your “circle of influence”?  Are there others that need to be included and what is your strategy to make this happen?    I went through an exercise recently that took a look at all the “connections” I have and to assess who would be in my circle of influence. And admittedly it was an eye opening experience that shifted how and with whom I share my time and energy with…well worth the self-discovery process at another level.

Courtesy : This is about being present and I mean really present when you are connecting with another person.  We all love to talk about what is happening in our life and equally the need to be heard!  Take a step back and initiate the opportunity to ask questions from a place of curiosity and really listen. You can learn something that could be missed if you are in your head thinking about what it is you want to share or receive…you’ll get your turn!

Communications: This includes the active listening skill that isn’t something that comes natural and takes time to develop.  Using your active listening skills to hear and feel what the person is saying and guaranteed you will learn something new and rich for the relationship building process.   Try this the next time you go to an event or conference.  Meet two new people and proactively engage with them. Come from a place of curiosity to learn their story and actively listen to everything they are saying.  Get out of your head and be totally present. You will be receiving the “present” as a result of this.  And let me know what comes out it..I love hearing about results.

Beyond the networking events!  I have heard from so many of you that you “hate” networking.  Well stop!  Take this time, right now, to change your mindset around what “networking” means to you.  It is about being your authentic self (effortlessly when you are in this space); knowing what you are passionate about (self-discovery on what really matters to you from the heart); creating and sharing your story (people connect to the story and the feelings you create for them). Make the effort to apply active listening skills and be present and in the moment It’s a mutually beneficial act of sharing and it cultivates a lasting relationship that creates opportunity to expand, grow and foster lasting and meaningful relationships that matter!

Here’s a great quote we used to open the show- “It isn’t just what you know and it isn’t just who you know- it’s actually who you know, who knows you and what you do for a livingBob Burg

You can download this show at Episode #7